Executive Board meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of every month from September through June. There are five General Association meetings on the last Thursday in September, December, February, April and May.
President – The President presides at all meetings of the association and the executive board. She/he coordinates the works of officers and committees of the association and appoints chairpersons for the various committees. The President signs all authorizations for payment with the recording secretary or treasurer, is responsible for preparing the unit annual report required by the State PTA, is the official representative of the unit at council meetings, has all contracts and/or legally binding documents approved by the association, and performs any other duties that may be prescribed in the PTSA bylaws or assigned by the association.
Executive Vice President – The Vice President acts as an aide to the President and shall perform the duties of the President in the absence or disability of that officer to act.
1st Vice President (Programs) – Programs VP works to oversee and help coordinate committees that direct programs such as Teacher/Staff Appreciation Events, and Senior Grad Party.
2nd Vice President (Fundraising) – Fundraising VP leads our Direct Donation Campaign and membership drive, responsibilities are primarily at the beginning of the school year.
Treasurer – The Treasurer keeps accurate and permanent records of all receipts of gross income and expenses of the association. She/he prepares the budget for adoption by the association, pays all bills as authorized by the executive board or the association, securing two signatures on all checks. She/he keeps the membership informed of expenditures as they relate to the budget adopted by the association, presents a treasurer’s report at every meeting of the association and executive board and prepares the documentation necessary for the PTA’s auditor to perform the semi-annual audit. Estimated time commitment is 20 hours per month.
Recording Secretary – The Recording Secretary keeps an accurate record or the proceedings of all meetings of the association and the executive board, signs all authorizations for payment for the expenditure of funds following approval by the association or the executive board.
Financial Reviewer – The Financial Reviewer audits the books and financial records of the association annually in July, presents a written report to the association and executive board for adoption. Audits the books upon resignation of the treasurer or financial secretary and at any time deemed necessary.
Historian – The Historian assembles and preserves a record of the activities, achievements and volunteer hours of the association. She/He acts as custodian of records and other materials pertinent to the history of the association. This includes tracking of volunteer hours and submission of these hours annually to the District PTA. Estimated time commitment is 2-6 hours per month.
Parliamentarian – The Parliamentarian attends all meetings of the association and executive board and gives necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested. Calls the first meeting of the nominating committee, giving instructions in procedure, and chairs the bylaws committee, reviewing the bylaws and standing rules annually. The parliamentarian is appointed by the president.